The Client
Loup Logistics provides door-to-door shipping and logistics services for companies shipping almost any commodity. They combine shipping modes to create the most effective, efficient and economical transportation solutions on the market. They keep supply chains running smoothly through validated data, 24/7 shipment tracking and unmatched logistics expertise.
The Need
The client approached us without any current website or brand presence. They had just consolidated multiple subsidiaries and were in the middle of rebranding as Loup Logistics. Part of this process included the need for a web presence that communicated their services to their prospective customers and encourage them to get in contact with Loup. The website would serve as their main touchpoint between them and their potential customers. In addition, it was important that their brand stay consistent throughout all communications — the website included.
The Solution
The team set to work. Goals for the new custom site were identified as: educate users about loup, show them Loup understands their shipping challenges, and prompt users to contact them. The website also was planned to reflect Loup’s brand by being people focused, confident, experienced and reliable. Reinforce the thought “we are here for you”.
After identifying the 5 core challenges their customers face, it was decided to heavily feature these and their corresponding solutions on the website. There would be a section for each highlighting in greater detail, these challenges. Once there, multiple opportunities to contact Loup would be available.
The Loup logo uses gradients to help depict movement. This was important to carry through to the website as well. We used animated gradient overlays over the main page photography to achieve this. In addition, primary buttons flip to an animated gradient background on hover and the main challenge icons also featured animated gradients. Just enough to achieve our goals while still keeping the site clean and professional.
For photography, the team determined that original photos were important to the brand. This would not only bring life to the website (including familiar faces!) and allow prospects to connect with them, but be able to be used throughout all Loup branding pieces. We needed photography that established consistency and brand recognition. Loup had a trusted photographer capture the photos they needed.
Once the design was complete, Skwintz got to work on development. A benefit of custom design and development is there is no need for the bulky unused features that come with pre-built themes. You can create clean, lightweight code for exactly what you need. (And a design that fits your brand perfectly.) It also works great for the Loup team as their development environment required keeping things simple.
The Results
We launched the new website the first week of November with a kickoff party to unveil the new brand. The reactions we got were very positive.
Three months after launch, organic traffic was up 100% and visits to the contact page had significantly increased.
The Loup team was a great partnership that resulted in a really strong and true to brand web presence. We are grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such smart and hardworking people. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for the Loup team.